“Morale was deteriorating and it was all Yossarian's fault. The country was in peril; he was jeopardizing his traditional rights of freedom and independence by daring to exercise them.”
Something short but poignant for tonight as Judy had me out longer than I wanted to be. As a result you need to dig deep and subscribe to help me pay my bar tab. That aside I will be posting my article on Trump’s Blitzing tomorrow since I finished grading midterm exams and papers today.
I love the classic film Catch 22 which is based on Joseph Heller’s novel by the same name. In it Alan Arkin plays the protagonist, Captain John Yossarian a rather rebellious bomber pilot who has a profound distaste for war, lies, and military bullshit. The film spawned a mini-series on Hulu back in 2022. It is pretty good too, it gives more of the back story on characters than the film could do. But I digress, you should read the novel, watch the film, and the mini-series. Trust me, nobody pays me for my endorsements, as much as I wish that they did. That being said, despite serving nearly 40 years I have always been somewhat a Yossarian at heart.
But anyway, Pete Hegseth, the must unqualified, dishonest, incompetent and dishonorable men to be nominated to be Secretary of Defense was confirmed tonight as our new SECDEF as Trump’s administration already begins its campaign to turn the United States military into a criminal organization that has no respect for law or the rights of its soldiers, sailors, marines, airmen, Space Force Guardians, or coastguard members, especially minorities of any kind. In the wake of a spate of Trump orders to the military and the Department of Homeland Security to eliminate DEI programs, reassign or fire personnel associated with them, lower level Trumpist commanders are issuing draconian orders that will harm the careers of and endanger servicemen and women. One active duty female Air Force member wrote to Mikey Weinstein at the Military Religious Freedom Foundation:
“Bases are disbanding Women’s Initiative Teams, cancelling Women’s Leadership Symposiums normally hosted during Women’s History Month, and cancelling observances and events normally hosted during Black History Month. Heartbreaking.”
Additional, a female Naval aviator, a Christian, a combat tested experienced fighter pilot and Naval Academy graduate had her application to the Top Gun school summarily denied by her long time Trump supporting activist groups commanding officer as she described to them MRFF told her, “He smiled as he spoke to me and then rationalized this decision because ‘women won’t ever be in combat again’ and I ‘should not be taking a male Naval Aviator's place.’”
The same day that commander issued his new 10 Commandments for the squadron and base
“… he told all of us gathered at the All Hands meeting that per the direct order of our new Commander in Chief Trump there would be no more ‘DEI Poison’ under his command in our unit nor at our installation. He then presented us via Power Point with his new ’10 Commandments’ as he called them which went into effect immediately:
(1) No more Black History Month
(2) No more Women’s History Month
(3) No more Hispanic History Month
(4) No more LGBTQ recognition
(5) No more talk about “Transexuals” anywhere in the military workplace as "they do not exist anymore than leprechauns exist"
(6) Female personnel will participate in “female pursuits only” for sports teams on his military installation
(7) “Female pursuits” for female sports include only badminton, bowling, tennis and golf
(8) Female military personnel will no longer be allowed to participate on installation teams for rugby (which I played at Annapolis), basketball, flag football and mixed martial arts. They may run track but not participate in any field events
(9) No more “holiday parties” as all events will be designated only as “Christmas parties” during the end of the year season
(10) Bible studies in the workplace "are highly encouraged though no one will be forced to attend”
The link to the article is here: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2025/1/24/2298893/-MAGA-commander-terminates-female-Navy-pilot-s-Top-Gun-application-unveils-anti-DEI-10-Commandments
I am a supporter of MRFF and Mikey Weinstein is a friend. When a retired MAGA member of my chapel congregation tried to get me tried by Court Martial for a sermon I preached against Trump’s border policies, separation of families, and imprisonment of children in cages in non-climate controlled warehouses with few sanitation facilities or food sources, Mikey’s team defended me. They prevented a MAGA cultist who lied about the sermon contents from destroying at that time a 38 year military career. Thankfully, the investigation that I had to endure was ended because nobody in the congregation or on my staff present that day backed up his allegations when put under oath by the investigating officer. However, that was the moment that I decided that I didn’t ever want to deal with MAGA Christians in any chapel, church, or institutional ministry ever again.
Now I am retired from the military, a semi-retired miscreant Priest, historian, teacher and published author, as well as a full on resister of tyranny, especially that of Donald “Bone Spurs” Trump who hates the men and women of our military unless they are his completely and personally loyal collaborators willing to put loyalty to him above their oath to the Constitution. I might be a miscreant with a rebellious streak, but not when it comes to my sacred oath.
Trump’s unconstitutional and traitorous actions against the American people and the world must be stopped, and they will not be stopped by careerists in the military, government, or his cult. It has to be the rest of us. To paraphrase Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., “If not us who? If not now, when?”
Those currently serving must memorize these words by the German General Ludwig Beck who resigned and retired to protest Hitler’s planned invasion of Czechoslovakia in September 1938, and who died after being arrested for his part in Operation Valkyrie on 20 July 1944.
“Final decisions about the nation’s existence are at stake here; history will incriminate these leaders with bloodguilt if they do not act in accordance with their specialist political knowledge and conscience. Their soldierly obedience reaches its limit when their knowledge, their conscience, and their responsibility forbid carrying out an order.”
Beck’s colleague and fellow resister Henning von Tresckow noted:
“We have to show the world that not all of us are like him. Otherwise, this will always be Hitler’s Germany.”
Trump and his lawless gang of criminals are beholden to nothing but their personal power and accumulation of wealth. His theocratic “Christian” supporters are far worse. They are no better than Al Qaida, the Islamic State, or the Taliban.
Resistance will be hard, but it is not futile.
I will be writing about Trump’s political Blitzkrieg tomorrow, and ways to fight it with success.
Until then, be safe, watch your six, and be a Yossarian.
The Catch 22. I felt this situation upon us last week. Thank you for pointing it out. I actually gasped when I woke up to Hegseth news this morning.... Justice, kindness and humility will no longer be accepted. Instead, replaced by injustice, meanness and selfishness all to benefit the dictator.
Meanwhile, back at the drawing board (desktop!), the work continues.
Joseph Heller, you are in command!