Nice. As a veteran and an Army brat, I can testify that you sure did a good job describing what military life is like in a marriage.

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Lucian, I know that you know this very well as you have lived it. Your dad was gone for years at a time. I appreciate your kind words. All the best. I’ve been reading your columns and sharing them on other platforms but have had little chance to respond. Stay safe.

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Happy Anniversary, Padre! I hope you and Judy are enjoying your evening together. And here's to another 41 years 🥂

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Thank you so much Jill. All the best to you and stay safe.

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Congratulations! It must have been a Saturday. My wife Jan and I were married in the Brooklyn Botanic Garden the day before. We celebrated with nachos last night and will go out later in the week - we are doing a lot of home repair and have workmen doing a new floor in our bedroom today. We have our own PTSD to deal with having lost our 29 year old son 7 years ago from Sudden Death Syndrome. We are blessed to have been and to remain together, as we figure out retirement. Thank you for your writing!

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David, it was a Saturday, on Friday night the other newly commissioned lieutenants tried to get me blitzed. Thankfully, even then I held my alcohol well. We had the contractors I. During our 38th anniversary as we had just moved in to our wonderful post-retirement forever home. All the best to you and your wife. Have a great day and stay safe.

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I miss your posts and so l went back to reread this one.

I’ve been married for almost 51 years to a high school activist with whom l have shared many lives, both together and apart. Ironically we have lived within a five mile radius of where we grew up!

So much has changed demographically and it’s a great improvement to see that ethnic diversity. We protested against segregation in the NYC school system and later on l worked in the high school where we originally met!

Harry became a prosecutor in the county court system, a job he never sought. His humanity showed through and we were proud and supportive of each other.

On the campus of the college we graduated from more than 50 years ago, we have returned to continue our passion for learning, and marvel at how young the professors are!

We are the dinosaurs! It’s a privilege we have earned.

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