Excellent post, Padre, and I share your anger and concerns. In fact, I started a post along these lines last night, but was too tired to make much progress, so con su permiso, I will re-blog yours today on my WordPress account. What is happening to the LGBTQ community is abominable and cannot continue! Oh ... and thanks for including me on the group FB message ... I appreciate it!

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Jill, Thank you. I was really tired too, but I decided that it was too important not to let it go, and that’s why it was posted so late. I appreciate you reblogging it at WordPress. All the best!


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Here is the link to my post from this afternoon ... there are a couple of comments you might be interested in or wish to respond to: https://jilldennison.com/2023/05/25/padre-steve-on-targeting-pride/ Thanks for all you do, Steve!

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